Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Oliver's favorite bedtime song
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friend Fun Day
Monday, July 28, 2008
Oliver vs Roomba
Oliver LOVES the Roomba! They play together so well and I always know where he is...right behind it. To our surprise, he isn't afraid of it, he actually likes when it comes towards him. He has an opportunity to bang on it, and we have learned that everything that we bang on makes noise.
Our new pool!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
zerbert video
Oliver's newest talent is blowing bubbles. As you will see in the video, he puts ALL his effort into it. Most of the time he ends up coughing because he works so hard at it. I assure you that all of the noises in this video are coming from someones mouth!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Family Fun and DOTS!
Papa and Oliver are enjoying that good cup of coffee on the deck. Oliver at least enjoyed the cardboard sleeve that goes over the cup. I am at a blank for the name of it. I am sure someone should be given proper credit for the ingenious invention.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
9 month stats!
Length: 28 inches- 32th percentile.
Head circumference: 44 cm- 12th percentile.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Japanese Steakhouse!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hungry and Tired at the same time!
Make sure that you visit the restroom before you watch this. I can't believe I held it together to record it! Oliver had his 9 month well-baby visit yesterday and the Doctor said that he needs to eat more. He is in the 10th percentile for his weight. So, instead of feeding him the usual breakfast this morning, we fed him until he didn't want any more. Usually he eats cereal and one half of the Greber Stage 2 food containers. Today he ate a large bowl of oatmeal baby cereal and 2 and a half of the containers. I was shocked! I was waiting for him to tell me that he wanted more but Noggin was on in the background and I guess it was a little more entertaining. Feeding him took a little longer than normal, but as you can see from the video we were fighting sleepiness too! It is very precious!
What I woke up to! July 9th
July 5th! Freedom Festival
The fireworks began! From the picture you can see how close we were. It was almost scary! We had pieces of cardboard from the fireworks falling on us the whole time! Don't worry, they weren't on fire but next year we may bring safety goggles in addition to the ear protection! It was so much fun hearing the BOOM when each one was lit!
More pics of Oliver and Mommy. Aunt Christy was sooo good with her camera! Daddy and Oliver. He got very squirmy and daddy came in with the relief hold!
Oliver decided that he wanted to eat during the fireworks. Thank goodness it was dark and I had a blanket! whew! After eating he was very sleepy! I can't believe that he fell asleep with all of that noise. It ended up being a very fun day!